What is NBAU?
Not Business As Usual.

Why NBAU? Because there’s no such thing as business as usual. Not for leaders who think ahead and see a landscape of opportunity – and risk – across an unchartered global space.

If your organizational reality starts to feel like business as usual, time to shake it up. Ordinary, comfortable or complacent are the enemy of extraordinary, nimble and cutting edge.

NBAU Consulting is about trusted counsel, highly customized training and interactive conversation design to equip you, trailblazer decision-makers and leaders, with what it takes to navigate the unchartered frontiers, move on your growth agenda, build your brand and manage risk.



Highly customized consulting, coaching and training programs based on your priorities and focusing on conversation design for open communication.

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NBAU blog

Resources for leaders to build resilience and organizational capacity to manage different scenarios of crises, adversity and change.

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About Natalia Smalyuk

A trusted advisor, trainer and coach empowering leaders to grow, build their brands, accomplish their missions and live their dreams.

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Let’s Chat

Please feel free to write, call, request a training or invite to speak. I’d love to hear from you!

 “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity."

- John F. Kennedy